Technical Glycerin
Pharmaceutical Glycerin
Annual production
With an annual production volume of more than 21,000 tonnes, Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH is Austria’s largest producer of high-quality pharmaceutical glycerin.
With a purity of more than 99.5 %, this pharmaceutical glycerine complies with the European Pharmacopeaia. In addition, another glycerin with at least 80% purity is produced in our production of pharmaceutical glycerine.
As refined glycerine is a top-quality alcohol, which is mainly used in the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry, our facilities are equipped with ultra-modern laboratories, enabling us to fulfil our customers' quality requirements at all times.
At our production site in Paltental (Gaishorn am See), we produce technical glycerin with a purity of 80% which is used by our customers for various technical applications.
Contact person
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Thank you, your Münzer Bioindustrie Team.